Friday, April 8, 2011

Comprehension Skills

We have been practicing our comprehension skills in reading lessons. One of the skills we practiced was called visualising. Our teacher read us a description of an animal. We had to listen and draw the picture that was created in our heads. Watch our movie to find out what creature we had to visualise.


  1. Great work team! I was very impressed with everyone's visualization. Good work on the PhotoStory. Love the end part when you tell everyone the creature that you were visualizing!

    From Miss Watts

  2. well done very nice

    From luke(charlottes brother)

  3. Hi Room 9

    I like your video. It was cool. I watched all of the move. I was in it. I hope i could do a another video.I really want to do a another video.See you on m\o/n/d/a/y/ miss watts.

    From Ivy

  4. Hi Room 9

    I like you video it was cool.

    From Shane


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