Commenting on Blogs

At Tahunanui School we are learning to 'academically' comment on blogs rather 'socially' comment.  Here are some tips for make good quality comments on other people's blogs.
  • Always acknowledge the author - say 'hello' or 'hi' (for example: Hello Madison).
  • Let the author know if you agree with him/her and why.
  • It is ok to disagree with something, just let the author know why you feel that way and always be polite.
  • It does not matter if you agree or disagree with what you are reading in a blog. Don’t write anything you would be ashamed of saying to someone’s face. Don’t hurt somebody’s feelings.
  • One word comments are not very useful. Writing just “cool” or “nice” are not very helpful and don’t let the author of the blog post really know what you are thinking.
  • Ask the author a question about their blog post - start a conversation.
  • Sign your comment - it's great for the author to know who has commented (for example: From Miss Watts in Room 9 or From Jed at Tahunanui School).
  • Think if it is appropriate BEFORE you hit the submit or send button.

Thanks to Silvia Tolsano's Blog for many of the above ideas 

Check out Rochell Jenson's Commets4Kids Blog to find more great ideas for making comments and why comments are so important for bringing a blog alive.  Rochell suggests these rules to use with students when commenting on blog posts:

Suggested Rules for Commenting for Your Students

Rules for Comments4Kids
1) Relevant
2) Positive
3) Comment only when you have something to say.
4) Always use good conventions (capitalization, punctuation, etc.)


Jill Hammond's blog has some great ideas for commenting on blogs.

Check out: 
