Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Science Experiment

On Wednesday last week Room 9 did an experiment about warm and cold.  We put a bag in another bag and put cotton wool in betwen the bags. We also did it with butter.  Then we put water and ice in an ice cream tub.  First we put the cotton wool one and an empty bag in the water and ice.We all took turns to put our hands inside the bags.  Then we had to tick our sheets to explain which one kept our hands the warmest.  (Caleb and Mairi)

Watch the movie that Nikita and Zoe made to share our learning.

Watch our voicethread to listen to our predictions and explanations about what we have learnt.  We tried to use extended abstract thinking to link our experiment with the real world.  We wanted to find our how animals survive against all the odds in a cold environment. (Tyler and Miss Watts)

Key Competency: Thinking


  1. Tyler did you have fun doing the voice thread with me!from Charlotte

  2. I really like your post! It was very interesting to read! For the student blogging challenge I nominated your class blog because it was really fun to look at!
    ~Kristen from http://studentbloggers.us/blogs/krt08cougar/

  3. Hello again! It is me Kristen! I am very happy that you visited my blog and I will tell people about your awesome blog! I responded to your comment, so please visit my blog again and get back to me! Your blog is very fun to look at and is very cool!
    ~Kristen from http://studentbloggers.us/blogs/krt08cougar/

  4. Ruby and Eilidh Room 7June 27, 2011 at 2:18 PM

    Dear Room 9

    I hope you enjoyed the science
    were the bags really cold?
    What was your favourite part?
    Ruby and I think that your blog is awsome.


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