Friday, March 18, 2011


Today we have been exploring group roles when working in a team.  We worked in groups to identify what each role means.  We looked at the role of Reporter.  We think that a Reporter would:
  • Share their group ideas with the rest of the class
A Reporter would:
  • Introduce your goup
  • Use a lion voice not a mouse voice - a clear voice
  • Speak at a steady pace - not too fast and not too slow


  1. Hi room 9 we like the idea of people having their own group roles. We liked doing it last year. Hope you have fun with your blog.

    From Hannah and Chavawn

  2. Wow thats cool to have group roles. I dont think anyone would of though of that.Do you
    reckon that anyone would? I dont. good job.

    from Jesse

  3. Having designated roles is an important part of learning how to work as a team. This will also help you to build confidence and learn that a team can achieve anything when working together. Great stuff Room 9. Melanie Yeomans


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