Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Swimming with the fishes!

Can you believe it, today we spent 45 minutes making a ten second video clip for our movie project with Enner Glynn School.  We did stop animation to make the fish move.  Then we downloaded the still photos onto iMovie and made a movie.  After that we added a background image of coral and put our movie on top.  This is called green screening.  Watch the clip above to see our hard work!


  1. To Ellie,Mabel and Madison

    I like the peice of our movie you made of the fish.
    When am I going to get go?

    From Jonti

  2. Hi Jonti

    Thank you for watching the movie and making a comment.

    What did you like best about the fish movie the girls made?

    I have a class list and I am ticking off every time someone has a turn on making the movie. Everyone will have a turn!

    From Miss Watts

  3. Hi Miss Watts

    I like it that they are swimming in coral that is all around the sea.

    What do you like about the movie Miss Watts?

    From Jonti

  4. Hi Miss Watts

    It was really fun making the movie for Neptunes Kingdom. I still cannot believe we spent 45 minutes to make a 10 second movie! But Me,Madison and Ellie probably had lots of FUN!

    From Mabel


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