Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Student Teachers!

Today Zara & Mairi taught Room 9 how to use Storybird.  The girls taught themselves how to use the Web 2.0 writing tool with only a 'wee' tiny bit of help from me!  I was amazed at their wonderful teaching skills!  They were very confident at standing in front of the class, explained how to do things clearly and confidently answered questions from the class.  Above is one of their stories they have created on Storybird.
The big dream by Zara9 on Storybird

What is flying?

This week we started talking about super heroes that can fly.  So we asked ourselves "What is flying?"  Here are some of our ideas.
Click on the picture to make it bigger!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mermaid Video Clip

We were making part of our movie Neptune's Kingdom.  We are making it with Room 11 at Enner Glynn. The funnest part was moving the mermaids hair and tail.  We were smiling and laughing all the way through.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Swimming with the fishes!

Can you believe it, today we spent 45 minutes making a ten second video clip for our movie project with Enner Glynn School.  We did stop animation to make the fish move.  Then we downloaded the still photos onto iMovie and made a movie.  After that we added a background image of coral and put our movie on top.  This is called green screening.  Watch the clip above to see our hard work!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Long jump

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