Monday, August 29, 2011

Our Green Screen Problem Solving!

We had a few problems with the green screening! We had to fix the problems.
  1. We had a green tuatara and it blended in with the green screen
  2. We couldn't use any yellow objects on the green screen
We didn't give up! Miss Watts helped us solve the problems. She played around with the photos and background for us.

Next time we green screen we will need to use different colours for the characters (except yellow!) When we make stop animation we will need to make small movies and then add them to the background of the green screen.

Flick It On

Our class has been learning to green screen for a project called Flick It On. First we made a story about heroes. Then we turned it into a storyboard. After that we took pictures and imported them into iMovie. Finally we edited it and made it into a movie. We learnt how to be camera people and animators. Animators move the models a little bit and the camera people took the pictures. We had to take hundreds of pictures!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Listen To Our Stories!

Watch this space! This week we will record some of our adventure stories. We hope you enjoy listening to them!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Writing Exciting Adventure Stories

In Room 9 we have been writing stories.  First we read lots of stories and had lots of discussion about what was in each story and what made them great!  Then we had a go at writing stories with Miss Watts' help.  Today we brainstormed all the things we needed to make a great story!

Story Structure:
  1. Title - a short bit of information about the story
  2. Orientation - describe who, when, where and why (don't give too much away)
  3. Complication - describe the problem, ask a question to create a climax
  4. Resolution - solve the problem, describe a happy or a sad ending 
WOW words
  1. Onomatopoeia 
  2. Alliteration
  3. Exciting verbs
  4. Adverbs - describe how, when or where the verbs happen
  5. Adjectives - describe what nouns (things/objects or people) look, feel or sound like
Use punctuation
  1. Ellipsis... to create a pause make it exciting and create tension
  2. Exclamation marks  - to make it exciting 
  3. Full stops & capital letters
Type of sentences
  1. Choose different words to start sentences
  2. Short sentences to create excitement and tension
  3. Long sentences to describe characters, setting, action, emotions, feeling (can be short)